My Management Team

My management team from PebbleStudioLondon is currently engaged in my projects and studio developments. They are multi-talented and possess a range of well-developed skills and abilities. In order to produce work as a contemporary artist, there is an absolute need to have the backing and support of a professional team able to direct everything from resource management to media engagement to marketing and sales. Most of all, and the really difficult part of the equation, as an artist you need to find people you can rely on and individuals who are not totally trapped in strange parts of their own psyche. Thankfully, the team supporting the work here have proven track records, great insight and the flexibility to look for end results rather than satisfy petty ego. They are the best.


Jack Adams

Jack Adams

Project Director

Jack Adams is the Project Director for the works of Akane Takayama. He oversees everything from logistics to copywriting to delivery management. Jack is an historian and has a skill set in Comparative Mythology which is highly unusual. In his work as the Director of PebbleStudioLondon, Jack engages with academics and Universities across the world to provide support, lectures, talks and consultation on a range of subjects and issues. He has worked with field leaders in Housing Policy, Pro Bono Legal Support, National Asylum Policy, Social Poverty, Miscarriage of Justice and Human Rights issues. He was also a Visiting Lecturer at the University of the Arts in London.

Jack has been an invited speaker for the first United Nations Conference on Public Service Broadcasting in Mexico in 2010, the keynote speaker for the Conference on Mythology at Jendouba University, Tunisia, in 2014 and has run workshops on the Grail Quest, Mythology and History, Poetry as Performance and The Business of Men.

Barrie Simpson

Barrie Simpson

Digital Business Director & Webmaster

Barrie is a professional with over 40 years of experience in commerce. Unusually for a man of his seniority, he has a deep understanding and grasp of web marketing, social media and e-commerce websites. These skills have been honed in the insurance industry where Barrie held a status as an expert witness in fraud cases. Compliance and the necessities of rigour in terms and conditions are the foundation of his approach to all tasks and in those tasks his standards are exacting. Technically, he is someone who sees sloppiness as only an excuse for laziness.

Barrie runs his own organisation, Simplink Communications, which provides web-based services to UK and international businesses. He is a consultant to HRTVSH Ltd and a key motivator in the delivery of the artistic vision of Akane Takayama.

Lily Chetwood

Freelance Photographer

Lily Chetwood is a photographer and involved with all things involving organisation.

As an aspiring events manager, all of her work is meticulously handled, from photography shoots to embarking on solo travels across the world.

Her photography style is very clearly inspired by the greats of 1950’s humanist photography, whilst incorporating her own flair in the work.

Mr Ueda - Head Teacher

Mr Ueda - Head Teacher

Education Consultant

Mr Ueda is the Education Consultant for the DOGTokyo2017 project in Japan. He has been the prime mover in establishing the cultural exchange programme which sits behind the work.

五本木小学校長  上田秀穂
1958年   1月27日  熊本県生まれ                 1984年 日本大学卒
1988年 足立区立弘道第一小学校                   1993年 渋谷区立富ヶ谷小学校
2001年 世田谷区立瀬田小学校                       2008年 八王子市立柏木小学校 副校長
2014年    目黒区立月光原小学校長                   2016年~ 目黒区立五本木小学校長

Natsuki Nishi

Natsuki Nishi

Media Marketing Specialist

Natsuki Nishi is a specialist in Media Marketing and a translator (Japanese-English-Japanese). She is working specifically on the DOGTokyo2017 project and has proved to be a powerful asset in the team.

A good, reliable task performer who is precise and delivers to a deadline. She is now living back in Tokyo, Japan.

Yuka Wakabayashi

Yuka Wakabayashi

Supporting Artist

Yuka Wakabayashi is an artist based in Japan. She has won awards as a young artist and is currently an undergraduate at Okinawa Art University. Yuka is spent 2017 in London for her gap year.

2015.11 グループ展「うぶ毛展」 沖縄県立芸術大学 絵画棟2F

2015.4 沖縄県立芸術大学 美術学科 絵画専攻 日本画コース 入学

2016.11 グループ展「Day & Night」展 沖縄県立芸術大学 絵画棟2F

2017.1 第5回 アートイマジン芸術小作品展 入選

会場 アートイマジンギャラリー 東京都国立市

Natalie Ku

Natalie Ku

Media Marketing Journalist

Natalie Ku is a Hong Kong national and is multi-lingual. She is an established media professional who is studying for a Masters Degree in Japanese Studies and Intensive Language at the highly respected School of Oriental and African Studies in London.

Natalie is assisting in the output of Akane Takayama’s studio with an initial focus on DOGTokyo2017. She brings drive, initiative and enthusiasm to a varied and valuable skill set.

 Sakurako Iwakiri

Sakurako Iwakiri

Supporting Artist

Sakurako Iwakiri is a promising young Japanese artist. In Japan, many artists pursue concepts of “beautiful and beauty” in their art because it appeals to Japanese sensitivities. In this culturally demanding environment, Iwakiri dares to paint the rows of council flats as subject matter, far from being beautiful or statements of beauty. These flats whose windows show the real sense of living in the overcrowded cities such as Tokyo are a bold subject matter for a Japanese artist and such a choice identifies Iwakiri as an artist with a distinctive voice.


University of Musashino Art
BA Course

2012- 2015
Saitama Prefecture High School of Arts

Anri Kimura

Anri Kimura

Supporting Artist

​Anri Kimura studied architecture at a Japanese university. She also studied Gardening Design in London.
She is interested in experiencing a wide variety of things and jobs. Her hobby is Sudoku, making videos, and watching Anime.

